1. Diversification of raw materials
The first major category is the mechanical manufacturing industry, which includes the processing of durable consumer goods such as clocks, sewing machines, bicycles, and household appliances using metal materials as raw materials. The second category is based on non-metallic materials such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sidelines, and chemical products as raw materials for processing. For example, pastry machinery in food machinery mainly uses agricultural products as raw materials; Canning and brewing machinery mainly use agricultural and sideline products as processing materials; Pulp and paper machinery uses forest products and agricultural by-products as raw materials; Leather machinery mainly uses livestock products as raw materials; Ceramics, glass, and plastic machinery use minerals and chemical products as their raw materials. It indicates that automated robotic arms and automated production lines are widely used in various fields.
2. Diverse types of automated robotic arms and automated production line processes;
(1) Metal cutting and assembly are used to complete mechanical functions.
(2) Tobacco is the one that completes physical functions.
(3) Fermentation is the process that completes biochemical reactions.
(4) Electroplating and corrosion are the processes that complete electrochemical reactions.
(5) The processes that complete chemical reactions include cooking in papermaking machinery and melting in light bulb machinery.
3. Diverse categories and diverse structures
There are many industrial categories, and the machinery used varies greatly in terms of principles and motion mechanisms due to different industries, processed products, functions, and functions. Even those that perform the same function may have different working principles and mechanisms. If different equipment can be used to process the same product on a mechanical processing production line, the automated robotic arm applied to it may also differ from the automated production line; Candy packaging machines have various different process principles and structures; The light bulb winding machine can be divided into non core, continuous with core, and discontinuous with core winding machines due to different process principles.
4. Large product volume and high degree of automation
Industrial products are essential for people’s daily lives, and therefore require mass production, which inevitably requires the widespread use of semi-automatic and automated robotic arms. As a result, the application of automated production lines is becoming increasingly widespread.
5. Industrial automation robotic arms often have characteristics such as complex movements, high mechanism movement speed, wide range of disciplines, and fast updates.
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The automated robotic arm consists of five main parts:
Drive system: It is the power source of an automatic robotic arm, which can be electric motor drive, hydraulic drive, pneumatic drive, etc.
Transmission system: Its function is to transmit motion and power to various executing mechanisms to complete the process operations of automated robotic arms, while also transmitting motion to auxiliary mechanisms to complete auxiliary actions. This includes belt drive, gear drive mechanism, etc.
Execution mechanism: It is the part that realizes automated and auxiliary operations, and its action sequence and motion law are determined by the process principles and requirements.
Control system: Its function is to control the driving system, transmission system, and execution mechanism of the machine, allocate motion to each execution mechanism, and make them coordinate actions on time and in sequence.
Detection system: Its function is to detect the position, stroke, speed, pressure, flow rate, etc. of the automated robotic arm and provide feedback to the control system.
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With the rapid development of China’s national economy and industry, the variety, scale, design and manufacturing technology of industrial automation robots have also been rapidly developed and improved. It has become an inevitable trend to independently design and manufacture from single machines to complete sets of equipment and even automatic production lines.
With the development of new materials, processes, and technologies, various automated robotic arms are rapidly advancing towards mechatronics and intelligence.
Mechatronics integration is the result of various technologies permeating each other, and its main related technologies can be summarized into six aspects: mechanical technology, detection and sensing technology, information processing technology, automatic control technology, servo transmission technology, and overall system technology.