With the rapid development of society, now everyone has some degree of illness!
The pressure of life is increasing, and the number of sub healthy people is also increasing. According to relevant data, only 5% of the world’s truly healthy population is in sub healthy state, and the total population in sub healthy state accounts for 75%.
Among them, the sub healthy population in China has already reached 70%, which means that more than 900 million Chinese people are in a sub healthy state. In order to maintain health, many people will use various methods to supplement.
However, if one starts to supplement without understanding their physical condition, it may have the opposite effect and make the body even weaker.
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Therefore, when we nourish and regulate our bodies in daily life, we must follow our own physical constitution.
The first step in health preservation: Identify physical constitution!
Physical constitution refers to the comprehensive and stable characteristics of the human body’s morphological structure, physiological functions, and psychological state displayed under the combined effects of innate genetics and acquired environment.
The Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine released the “Classification and Determination of Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution” on March 26, 2009, which clearly stated that currently, the most authoritative classification of traditional Chinese medicine constitution is 9 types, including 1 mild constitution and 8 biased constitution.
The peaceful constitution represents a healthy physiological state, while the other eight biased constitutions – qi deficiency, yang deficiency, yin deficiency, phlegm dampness, damp heat, qi stagnation, blood stasis, and intrinsic qualities – are considered as manifestations of sub healthy states.
What are the manifestations of sub-health status? Sudden lack of energy, fatigue, lethargy, distraction, chest tightness, palpitations, insomnia, pain in various parts of the body, dizziness, menstrual disorders, and sexual dysfunction are common manifestations of sub-health.
It is not difficult to find in daily life that some people do not gain weight no matter how they eat, while others gain weight as soon as they eat; Some people are not afraid of cold or hot, while others often feel cold; Some people have delicate skin, while others have many skin problems.
The differences in these situations are actually closely related to an individual’s physical condition!
Traditional Chinese medicine identifies and divides a person’s physique based on their body shape, skin color, posture, speech and behavior, and their ability to adapt to the external environment.
If you want to have a healthy physique, the most crucial thing is to understand and determine your physical type, and then choose targeted and effective health plans that suit you, in order to effectively adjust your body condition and achieve the best health results.
This can not only effectively improve one’s health condition, but also achieve twice the result with half the effort in the process of health preservation.
If the body is sick, the tongue will first “report”
We have the most sensitive organ in our body, and almost all systemic diseases can be most intuitively reflected on this organ, which is the tongue.
By combining the tongue images of traditional Chinese medicine with various other body information, we can comprehensively judge and identify our physical constitution, which is the relatively stable inherent characteristic of each of us.
In history, many medical classics, such as “Su Wen”, can be treated with tongue to tongue conversion; The divine physician Hua Tuo died with his tongue curled black; The Golden Chamber states that the tongue can be lowered with yellow color; The Treatise on Cold Damage includes a white tongue with slippery coating and a dry and urgent tongue; The “Tongue Diagnosis and Correction” discusses that distinguishing the tongue is better than diagnosing the pulse, and also emphasizes the importance of tongue diagnosis.
In the diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, “tongue image” is an indispensable part, reflecting a person’s physical condition, such as cold and heat deficiency and excess, disease severity, qi and blood rise and fall, and disease location.
Modern instruments may not be able to detect various negative emotions in humans, but traditional Chinese medicine constitution identification can do so, and the biased state of various constitutions is actually the internal root of disease disorders.
Among them, tongue diagnosis is one of the most common and practical diagnostic and treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine. It is not only simple and easy to implement, but also objectively and accurately reflects the condition, providing important basis for understanding the development and changes of diseases.
Tongue diagnosis is also an important component of the “four diagnostic methods” in traditional Chinese medicine. Doctors can use tongue diagnosis to diagnose symptoms and apply medication. If ordinary people can also master tongue observation, which is the most intuitive technique to show our physical health status, it will undoubtedly help prevent diseases and improve health levels.
Daily health can be regulated through traditional Chinese medicine!
Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years, and its treatment methods are rich and diverse. The core treatment methods include eight methods: sweating, vomiting, descending, harmonizing, warming, clearing, dissipating, and tonifying.
As stated in “Medical Mind Enlightenment”: “When it comes to the reliance on diseases, the eight characters of cold, heat, deficiency, excess, exterior, interior, yin, and yang are used to unify them. When it comes to the prescription of diseases, the eight methods of sweating, vomiting, descending, harmonizing, warming, clearing, eliminating, and supplementing are used to complete them.”
It may also be known from the daily life of health preservation, treatment and recuperation that the methods of Chinese medicine recuperate the body mainly include acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, scraping therapy, massage therapy, Chinese medicine therapy, etc.
With a clear understanding of physical fitness and health status, targeted combination of one or more appropriate conditioning methods can maximize the therapeutic effect and efficiently and accurately regulate a healthy and comfortable living state.
Modern instruments may not be able to detect various negative emotions in humans, but traditional Chinese medicine constitution identification can do so, and the biased state of various constitutions is actually the internal root of disease disorders.
Among them, tongue diagnosis is one of the most common and practical diagnostic and treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine. It is not only simple and easy to implement, but also objectively and accurately reflects the condition, providing important basis for understanding the development and changes of diseases.
Tongue diagnosis is also an important component of the “four diagnostic methods” in traditional Chinese medicine. Doctors can use tongue diagnosis to diagnose symptoms and apply medication. If ordinary people can also master tongue observation, which is the most intuitive technique to show our physical health status, it will undoubtedly help prevent diseases and improve health levels.
Daily health can be regulated through traditional Chinese medicine!