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ABB’s development history

The relationship between ABB and China can be traced back to 1907 at the beginning of the last century. At that time, ABB provided China with the first steam boiler. In 1974, ABB established its China business unit in Hong Kong and established an office in Beijing in 1979. In 1992, ABB invested and established its first joint venture in Xiamen. In 1994, ABB relocated its headquarters in China to Beijing and officially registered its investment holding company, ABB (China) Co., Ltd., in 1995.
After years of rapid development, ABB has established 36 enterprises in China and sales and service branches and offices in 90 cities. It has a comprehensive business of research and development, production, engineering, sales and services, and approximately 19000 employees. In 2012, ABB’s sales revenue in China exceeded 5.2 billion US dollars, maintaining ABB Group’s position as the world’s second largest market.
ABB has established strong production, engineering, and service bases in areas such as power transmission and distribution, automation products, and systems through close cooperation with local partners in China. The business includes a complete series of power transformers and distribution transformers; Application of high, medium, and low voltage switches; Electrical transmission system and motor, etc. These products have been widely used in industry, commerce, electricity, and public utilities.

Driven by ABB China’s strategic initiatives, its service business has maintained a strong upward trend, with sales revenue and order volume both achieving nearly 15% growth. In 2012, ABB built three new service centers in Suzhou, Nanjing, and Guangzhou to further connect with customers.
In 2012, ABB launched two industrial robots and leading solutions to further expand its product portfolio. ABB robots are not only widely used in traditional automotive industry, but also continuously expanding new applications in fields such as 3C, food and beverage, medicine, and feed processing. ABB robots not only help domestic customers improve production efficiency and reduce operating costs by up to 50%, but also liberate workers from intensive and repetitive physical labor, while significantly improving product quality.
On March 6, 2013, ABB announced its business performance in China for 2012, with stable growth in sales revenue exceeding 5.2 billion US dollars. This performance was mainly due to the increase in market demand for improving domestic manufacturing and infrastructure construction, as well as the sustained growth of ABB’s export business.

Application of automated robotic arms and automated production lines in various industries of the national economy

1. Diversification of raw materials
The first major category is the mechanical manufacturing industry, which includes the processing of durable consumer goods such as clocks, sewing machines, bicycles, and household appliances using metal materials as raw materials. The second category is based on non-metallic materials such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sidelines, and chemical products as raw materials for processing. For example, pastry machinery in food machinery mainly uses agricultural products as raw materials; Canning and brewing machinery mainly use agricultural and sideline products as processing materials; Pulp and paper machinery uses forest products and agricultural by-products as raw materials; Leather machinery mainly uses livestock products as raw materials; Ceramics, glass, and plastic machinery use minerals and chemical products as their raw materials. It indicates that automated robotic arms and automated production lines are widely used in various fields.
2. Diverse types of automated robotic arms and automated production line processes;
(1) Metal cutting and assembly are used to complete mechanical functions.
(2) Tobacco is the one that completes physical functions.
(3) Fermentation is the process that completes biochemical reactions.
(4) Electroplating and corrosion are the processes that complete electrochemical reactions.
(5) The processes that complete chemical reactions include cooking in papermaking machinery and melting in light bulb machinery.
3. Diverse categories and diverse structures
There are many industrial categories, and the machinery used varies greatly in terms of principles and motion mechanisms due to different industries, processed products, functions, and functions. Even those that perform the same function may have different working principles and mechanisms. If different equipment can be used to process the same product on a mechanical processing production line, the automated robotic arm applied to it may also differ from the automated production line; Candy packaging machines have various different process principles and structures; The light bulb winding machine can be divided into non core, continuous with core, and discontinuous with core winding machines due to different process principles.
4. Large product volume and high degree of automation
Industrial products are essential for people’s daily lives, and therefore require mass production, which inevitably requires the widespread use of semi-automatic and automated robotic arms. As a result, the application of automated production lines is becoming increasingly widespread.
5. Industrial automation robotic arms often have characteristics such as complex movements, high mechanism movement speed, wide range of disciplines, and fast updates.
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The automated robotic arm consists of five main parts:
Drive system: It is the power source of an automatic robotic arm, which can be electric motor drive, hydraulic drive, pneumatic drive, etc.
Transmission system: Its function is to transmit motion and power to various executing mechanisms to complete the process operations of automated robotic arms, while also transmitting motion to auxiliary mechanisms to complete auxiliary actions. This includes belt drive, gear drive mechanism, etc.
Execution mechanism: It is the part that realizes automated and auxiliary operations, and its action sequence and motion law are determined by the process principles and requirements.
Control system: Its function is to control the driving system, transmission system, and execution mechanism of the machine, allocate motion to each execution mechanism, and make them coordinate actions on time and in sequence.
Detection system: Its function is to detect the position, stroke, speed, pressure, flow rate, etc. of the automated robotic arm and provide feedback to the control system.
The development direction of folding and editing this paragraph
With the rapid development of China’s national economy and industry, the variety, scale, design and manufacturing technology of industrial automation robots have also been rapidly developed and improved. It has become an inevitable trend to independently design and manufacture from single machines to complete sets of equipment and even automatic production lines.
With the development of new materials, processes, and technologies, various automated robotic arms are rapidly advancing towards mechatronics and intelligence.
Mechatronics integration is the result of various technologies permeating each other, and its main related technologies can be summarized into six aspects: mechanical technology, detection and sensing technology, information processing technology, automatic control technology, servo transmission technology, and overall system technology.

Introduction to Electrical Automation

In 1908, Tang Wenzhi, the then president of the Shanghai Higher Industrial School (now Jiaotong University) under the Ministry of Posts and Communications, adjusted the departmental structure. We have successively added railway and electrical engineering majors with a three-year education system, marking the beginning of higher education in electrical engineering in China. This is the earliest electrical engineering major. With the development of electricity and the need for social division of labor, Jiaotong University changed its Electrical Engineering Department to Electrical Machinery Department in 1913. In 1917, the Electrical Machinery Department began to establish wireless switches. In 1928, it was changed to the School of Electrical Engineering, and in 1937, it was changed to a department, divided into “Power Gate” and “Telecommunications Gate”, namely “Strong Electric” and “Weak Electric”.
In 1912, Tongji Medical and Engineering School (now Tongji University) established the Department of Electrical Engineering, which has now developed into the Department of Electrical Engineering of the School of Electronic and Information Engineering at Tongji University; In 1920, the Public Industrial Specialized School (now Zhejiang University) established the Department of Electrical Engineering, which has now developed into the School of Electrical Engineering at Zhejiang University; In 1923, the Department of Electrical Engineering was established at Central University (now Southeast University); In 1932, Tsinghua University established the Department of Electrical Engineering, which has now developed into the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronic Technology; In 1933, the Department of Electrical Engineering was established at Beiyang University (now Tianjin University), which has now developed into the School of Electrical and Automation Engineering at Tianjin University.

In 1952, China underwent a large-scale departmental adjustment, leading to the emergence of a group of multidisciplinary universities with engineering as the main focus, as well as a group of mechanical and electrical colleges. These colleges basically established departments of electrical engineering or power engineering.
In 1977, after the restoration of the college entrance examination system, most universities gradually changed their “Department of Electrical Engineering” or “Department of Electric Power Engineering” to “Department of Electrical Engineering”. After the 1990s, it was gradually renamed as the School of Electrical Engineering.
In 1993, in the catalog of undergraduate majors in ordinary higher education institutions issued by the Ministry of Education, electrical related majors in the engineering category were divided into two branches: electrical engineering and electronics and information. Electrical engineering includes five majors: motor and electrical appliances and their control, power system and its automation, high voltage and insulation technology, industrial automation, and electrical technology.
In 1998, the Ministry of Education issued the “Catalogue of Undergraduate Majors in Ordinary Higher Education Institutions (1998)”, which merged electrical engineering and electronics and information into electrical information. The original 19 majors were merged into 7. Among them, the majors of motor and electrical appliances and their control, power system and its automation, high voltage and insulation technology, and electrical technology in the original electrical engineering category have been merged into the majors of electrical engineering and its automation.
In 2012, the Ministry of Education issued the “Catalogue of Undergraduate Majors in Ordinary Higher Education Institutions (2012)”, which merged the original Electrical Engineering and Automation major with the Electrical Engineering and Automation, Electrical Information Engineering, Power Engineering and Management, Electrical Technology Education, and Intelligent Electrical Machinery and Electrical Appliances special majors to form the Electrical Engineering and Automation major.

Omron: The i-Automation of Scholar Technical Experts! Evolutionary theory

In 2015, Omron innovatively proposed a new intelligent manufacturing concept, i-Automation!. As a result, this innovation storm instigated by Omron extends step by step from the “manufacturing site” and leverages the future of innovative automation. Specialization and innovation have become i-Automation! A solid footnote to success.
By 2020, we will be confronted with the COVID-19 that has swept the world. The increasing geopolitical friction will make the global economic atmosphere more tense. Under the superposition of various uncertainties, what made Omron achieve offensive growth in the first half of the year? I-Automation! What new chapters have been added to the theory of evolution?
On August 31, 2020, Omron Automation (China) Co., Ltd. President Hiroshi Ohashi and Gongkong ® President Pan Yingzhang practices the annual agreement between the two parties through cloud based dialogue and reveals the answers to the above puzzles.

According to the Nikkei Chinese website on August 20, the real gross domestic product (GDP) of 24 major countries in the world from April to June 2020 shrank by 9.1% year on year, and the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic is very prominent. These 24 countries account for two-thirds of the world’s GDP, with only China achieving positive growth.
Faced with this sudden stress test, Omron shifted from passive defense to active attack and defense. “According to our investigation, customers were greatly affected after the Spring Festival, and by mid March, their production activities had resumed by 50-70%,” said Da Chang Hezhi.
According to Da Chang Hezhi, Omron’s performance in the second quarter of this year was impressive: a 70% increase compared to the first quarter and a 20% increase compared to the same period last year.
He believes that there are three main reasons: firstly, in the first quarter, due to the impact of the epidemic, everyone was in a wait-and-see state, and project investment was temporarily postponed. After April, the investment direction became clearer; Secondly, medical supplies such as masks, artificial ventilators, and non-contact thermometers have become a “hard currency” in the market, and the demand for such equipment has surged. Omron has achieved considerable success in the essential goods market; Thirdly, after April, the suspended customer demand was rapidly released, and the demand for components increased rapidly. Omron had anticipated this trend and prepared inventory in advance, resulting in an improvement in IAB (Industrial Automation Business) performance.
“In summary, this epidemic means more opportunities for Omron,” said Da Chang Hezhi. For example, the market for essential goods such as medical supplies is an area that Omron (IAB) has not been involved in in the past; For example, more customers are cross-border producers of mask machines and urgently need Omron to provide them with supporting solutions and products.
How to respond quickly and seize opportunities is crucial. On the one hand, Omron timely learns about customer needs, disassembles them into corresponding supply products, prepares in advance, and actively responds; On the other hand, overseas markets such as the United States, Europe, and Japan have been affected by the epidemic and have stopped production, while Omron has already resumed work and production in China, and can actively and timely respond to the needs of overseas customers. At the same time, Omron also organized and analyzed the impact and changes of the epidemic on customer production sites and work itself, actively thinking about i-Automation! How to empower customers and turn challenges into more opportunities.
For the future development of the industrial automation market, Da Chang He Zhi still maintains an optimistic attitude. At present, Omron is optimistic about the secondary battery, food and beverage, semiconductor and other industry markets.
I-Automation! Diexin
Visualization is required at the manufacturing site
The methodologies for intelligent manufacturing in Japan and China are not the same. Da Chang Hezhi stated that “Made in China” promotes practical operations through concepts, anticipates the concepts of informatization, digitization, and intelligence, and then gradually implements them on manufacturing sites. “The Japanese manufacturing industry does not place too much emphasis on the concepts of informatization, digitization, and intelligence, but focuses on optimizing and improving every detail of the manufacturing site.”
From i-Automation! From the birth of concepts to the gradual implementation and upgrading of integrated (control evolution), intelligent (intelligence), and interactive (new human-machine cooperation) in manufacturing sites, Omron is more concerned with how to help customers solve practical problems, innovate manufacturing sites, and innovate the future of automation.

Building a modern factory has become a mainstream demand at present, but Da Chang He Zhi directly points to customers’ “misconceptions”. “Building a modern factory is not just about achieving informatization and intelligence. Omron believes that improving production efficiency and product quality on the manufacturing site, reducing energy consumption, and visualizing is the first step.”
At the upcoming 22nd China International Industrial Expo (CIIE), Omron will showcase intelligent unit production lines featuring human-machine collaboration. This production line integrates advanced technologies unique to Omron such as AI, IoT, MOMA ※, and collaborative robots. Based on big data analysis, it is actually applied in Omron’s own factory’s near future production management system.

By visualizing the management of homework and process status, Omron creates a self disciplined production site, reducing talent training time by half; Through traceability management, the defect outflow rate caused by manual operation errors is reduced to 0; By leveraging the advantages of both humans and robots and improving automation levels, production efficiency can be doubled.

Yaskawa Electric, Motor, E-Learning

YASKAWA takes pride in its sports technology, which serves as a platform in the global industrial sector and contributes to improving the added value of machinery. Since its launch in 1997, the MP series of machine controllers has been continuously improving in order to address issues such as high-speed and precise control of machinery and devices at a higher level, improving production efficiency by shortening interval times, reducing costs by simplifying systems, and solving system visualization.
YASKAWA takes pride in its sports technology, which serves as a platform in the global industrial sector and contributes to improving the added value of machinery. Since its launch in 1997, the MP series of machine controllers has been continuously improving in order to address issues such as high-speed and precise control of machinery and devices at a higher level, improving production efficiency by shortening interval times, reducing costs by simplifying systems, and solving system visualization.

As a successor to the MP2000 series, the Yaskawa Machine Controller MP3300 has a synchronous scanning speed of up to 0.125ms. MP3300 provides a system solution based on the concept of “solving FA device problems, balancing environment and energy conservation”. It can be combined with various network basic units, CPU modules, and optional machine controllers according to the user’s control scale and control cabinet specifications.

Since its launch, YASKAWA’s MP3000 series of machine controllers have been trusted by customers for their high-performance motion control and stable quality.
The MP3200, which is mainly characterized by controlling the number of axes and high data communication, is the core product of this series. In order to meet the needs of high-speed and high-performance equipment, as well as cost reduction and efficiency improvement in industries such as semiconductor production and electronic component assembly, YASKAWA has successively released CPU units CPU-201 and CPU-202 for use with M3200.

In recent years, in addition to high-speed control performance, the market’s demand for high-speed data communication that can control more axes and peripheral device data is still increasing. For this reason, YASKAWA has also launched CPU-203. This CPU unit is equipped with multiple Gigabit Ethernet ports while improving program execution performance, and has been widely praised in the market.
On the basis of CPU-203, YASKAWA has developed a new CPU-203F that supports the next-generation industrial network MECHATROLINK-4 (100Mbps) communication. Compared to the previous MECHATROLINK-III, the newly launched MECHATROLINK-4 has increased its transmission efficiency by four times. Therefore, while CPU-203F achieves high-speed communication, the number of axes that CPU-203F can control increases without optional modules. CPU-203F unit and YASKAWA Σ- The combination of X series drives can significantly improve the performance of customer devices.

Product features of CPU-203F
1. Improved sports processing performance
Equipped with four MECHATROLINK-4 communication processors, MECHATROLINK-4 communication processing can be executed in parallel. Supports a transmission cycle of 62.5 Å and increases the number of axes controlled for each transmission cycle. Without optional modules, up to 256 axis servo can be controlled.
2. Improvement of ladder diagram programming performance
Adopting multi-core high-speed processors. It can optimize the processing capabilities of each core and improve the execution and processing capabilities of ladder programs.
3. Standard with 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports
Two ports can be used as information type data processing (universal Ethernet) ports and control type data processing (EtherNET/IP) ports respectively, achieving high-speed communication through parallel means.

Schneider Electric and Jinrong Tianyu signed a service cooperation agreement

Schneider Electric, a Digital transformation expert in the field of global energy management and automation, and Tianjin Jinrong Tianyu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinrong Tianyu”) officially signed the Service Cooperation Agreement. Both parties agree to further engage in in-depth exchanges around supply chain, digital factories, intelligent manufacturing, sustainable development, and other fields on the basis of providing a one-stop digital solution for smart energy systems, and work together to innovate to create a win-win and sustainable partnership. Zhang Kaipeng, senior vice president of Schneider Electric and head of the global supply chain in China, Li Jimin, vice president of Schneider Electric in China and head of the national sales department’s industrial sales and development department, Sun Xingwen, chairman of Jin Rongtianyu, Zhao Hong, president of Jin Rongtianyu, and Xiao Yunzhi, vice president of Jin Rongtianyu, attended the signing ceremony.
Sun Xingwen, chairman of Jinrong Tianyu, said: “This signing activity marks that Schneider Electric has helped Jinrong Tianyu enter a new stage of zero carbon transformation and sustainable development, and Jinrong Tianyu will usher in new opportunities for green and high-quality development.”

The manufacturing industry is the mainstay of China’s national economy. The green development and transformation and upgrading of manufacturing enterprises are crucial for the realization of China’s economy and the “dual carbon” goals. And digital technology can help manufacturing enterprises more effectively improve energy efficiency and achieve green and low-carbon production goals.
Jinrong Tianyu is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research, development, production and sales of precision metal parts and energy storage products in the whole industrial chain technology, and has maintained a long-term friendly cooperation relationship with Schneider Electric. Through this signing, Schneider Electric will further promote the development level of informatization and intellectualization of equipment and facilities in Jinrong Tianyu Plant, enrich its energy consumption management means in the plant, improve equipment energy consumption supervision ability, practically meet the demand for safe production guarantee such as prediction, early warning and pretreatment of electrical equipment, and achieve economic benefits and reflect social benefits while ensuring energy conservation and consumption reduction.
In the future cooperation process, both parties promise to continue to cooperate around the application and innovation of Schneider Electric’s medium and low voltage products, as well as equipment energy consumption management, life cycle management, safe operation management, informatization and digital operation and maintenance solutions, and jointly establish digital integrated solutions, improve the convenience, safety, energy efficiency and intelligence of Jinrong Tianyu’s operation and management, and achieve the goal of cost reduction and efficiency increase; And will further expand the field of technical cooperation, exploring the use of EcoStruxure ™ A feasible solution for platform application, analysis, and service level cooperation. In addition, Schneider Electric will also provide one-stop overall solutions for Jinrong Tianyu and other overseas factory subsidiaries nationwide, and continue to track the construction of Jinrong smart energy management system, provide advice and guidance for them, and help the “double carbon” construction.
Zhao Hong, President of Jinrong Tianyu, said, “Based on the cooperation between the two sides in the field of carbon reduction, Jinrong Tianyu has gained new grip on lean digitization, energy conservation and emission reduction, and sustainable development. Both sides will establish a long-term communication mechanism, output tangible carbon reduction results, and assume corporate social responsibility

As one of the first partners to join Schneider Electric’s “Master of Carbon Reduction” project, Jin Rong Tianyu has cooperated with Schneider Electric for more than 20 years. Schneider Electric has helped Jin Rong Tianyu grow all the way from the aspects of training, hand in hand support for key projects and technical support. By the end of 2022, the company’s carbon emission reduction per billion yuan of sales has decreased by 22.2%, Its smart energy system project has also been successfully selected as a successful case of Schneider Electric’s “carbon reduction master” plan, and has worked with Schneider Electric to promote the joint construction of a broader sustainable ecosystem.
Senior Vice President of Schneider Electric Zhang Kaipeng, the head of global supply chain in China, said: “As an active promoter of energy transformation and power system innovation, Schneider Electric looks forward to working hand in hand with Jinrong Tianyu in the future to deepen cooperation and development between the two sides in supply chain cooperation, digital factory, intelligent manufacturing, sustainable development and other fields, enhance strategic mutual trust, seek innovation and win-win, explore a green development path for more manufacturing enterprises, and inject more power into the construction of new smart energy systems.”

The seminar on equipment safety between Pirci and Faurecia was successfully held

As one of the top ten auto parts technology enterprises in the world, Faurecia has always attached great importance to equipment safety, and has long been a partner with Pirci to work together on the road of equipment safety and safe production.

On July 26, Pilci and Faurecia held a “new look” equipment safety seminar in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Pilci’s safety experts and Faurecia’s EHS elites had a one-day in-depth exchange. The regular technical exchange in the morning was held in the banquet hall on the third floor of the Fuli Wanda Jiahua Hotel in Changzhou. In the afternoon, we went to Pierce’s production factory in Jintan, Changzhou for a rich and colorful visit experience and practical exercises. With the joint efforts of all personnel, this exchange activity was a complete success.

Profession has always been the “ace” of Pearce Magnetic
As a safety expert from Germany, since entering the Chinese market, Pierce Magnetic has taken on the banner of “preaching and teaching” in the field of mechanical safety, conveying our professional knowledge to users and conquering them with our professional knowledge. If you want to ask, what makes Peel Magnet stand out in the fierce market competition? Actually, it’s very simple, only with the word ‘professional’.
Immersive Experience of the Charm of Security Automation


In the afternoon of this exchange activity, a group of people came to the Jintan factory of Pirci. Here, users can not only closely observe the intelligent factory that conforms to the concept of Industry 4.0, test drive the Six degrees of freedom racing platform, but also manually connect the safety control system, and carry out risk assessment practice on the new PRBT test platform, which focuses on an immersive experience, This is a configuration that has never been seen in any previous technical exchange seminar.
In order to provide users with a good activity experience, we divided the entire activity area into multiple functional areas, grouped people, and assigned different activity lines to each group, so as to avoid gathering too many people in a functional area and affecting the activity effect.
The intelligent factory conforms to the concept of “personalized customization and mass production”. Each user visiting the area can personally operate and customize a pen or business card box for themselves, which can be considered a small accompanying gift for this event. Everyone is very happy when they receive the exclusive customized product from the material collection port. Maybe what excites everyone is not this small gift, but the bright future of manufacturing industry seen in the process of product customization.

Honeywell Environmental Sustainability Index for the Third Quarter of 2023 Released!

Recently, Honeywell’s Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) for the third quarter of 2023 was newly released!

Key points of this period

86% of enterprises plan to increase investment in sustainable development

Enterprises mainly increase their budgets in four key areas: energy development and efficiency, emission reduction, pollution prevention and control, and recycling/recycling

About 80% of multinational companies in the manufacturing and energy industries state that sustainable development is a top priority for their work in the next six months

The Environmental Sustainability Index is based on a double-blind survey of 751 professionals in the fields of business, technology and sustainable development around the world, reflecting the key trends, attitudes and progress of global actions to mitigate climate change and other sustainable development initiatives.
As one of the leading companies in global energy and climate transformation solutions, Honeywell hopes to help more companies successfully carry out sustainable practices by tapping into the ideas and experiences of these pioneers in sustainable development.
Interpretation of the latest data
Steady progress in sustainable practice
According to the latest Honeywell Environmental Sustainability Index, sustainable development has become a priority for manufacturing and energy enterprises at present – about 80% of them regard the Sustainable Development Goals as the first action in the next six months. These companies stated that sustainable development prioritizes other key tasks, including financial performance, market growth, and talent development.
Large multinational enterprises are steadily investing technology and manpower to achieve their environmental Sustainable Development Goals, which is confirmed in the latest environmental sustainable development index. Sustainable development is the top concern of the company’s decision-making team, as they are incentivizing senior management to increase engagement and initiative to achieve goals.
——Chief Sustainability Officer, Honeywell
Evan van Hook
This survey also found that 93% of surveyed companies have a sustainable development reporting mechanism, and 82% of companies are optimistic that their reporting methods can meet the disclosure requirements that may be introduced next year. However, in terms of reporting process management, only 38% of companies indicate that they have dedicated employees or teams responsible for tracking sustainable development progress.
The fourth issue of the Honeywell Environmental Sustainability Index provides a new perspective for businesses on how to report and track progress on their sustainability commitments. This quarter, we have seen an increase in investment and transparency in sustainable development by enterprises, and have adopted a combination of technology and processes in the process of achieving goals.
——The Future Group, the executing agency for this survey
Chief Analyst and Founding Partner Daniel Newman

Highlights of the report gathered together
Sustainable investment momentum remains undiminished
The Honeywell Environmental Sustainability Index released this time shows that sustainable development investment continues to grow and maintain momentum, partly thanks to the political and regulatory environment:
Out of the 751 global companies surveyed, 86% of them expressed plans to increase their sustainable development budgets.
70% of surveyed companies stated that the political and regulatory environment has been favorable for their sustainable development measures in the past 12 months.
Up to 74% of the respondents said they were optimistic about achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, but this figure was 3 percentage points lower than the previous index.
The increase in budget is mainly concentrated in four categories of sustainable development: energy development and efficiency, emission reduction, pollution prevention and control, and recycling/recycling.
Accelerating energy development and improving efficiency are the primary sustainable development commitments of enterprises in various regions around the world, with 87% of respondents prioritizing them.
About 25% of Latin American companies and 20% of companies in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa plan to increase their investment in energy development and efficiency by at least 50% in the next 12 months, surpassing the budget growth of companies in North America and the Asia Pacific region.
With the continuous deepening of the concept of sustainability, Honeywell believes that more and more enterprises are bound to join the ranks of sustainable development and walk with numerous partners on this path of development.
For Honeywell itself, we have always been an active practitioner of sustainable development – since 2004, the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from our business operations and facilities has decreased by over 90%. Honeywell also pledged to collaborate with the Science Carbon Target Initiative (SBTi) to develop scientific emission reduction targets that include other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. “Scope Three” emissions) generated by the value chain.
Honeywell is gradually fulfilling its commitment to sustainable development and ultimately achieving its goal of achieving carbon neutrality in its operations and facilities by 2035. At the same time, we are also helping customers to achieve Sustainable Development Goals through mature solutions.

Vice-Chancellor of Germany Robert Habeck Visits the Booth of Beifu at the Hannover Messe

Automation technology empowers the sustainable development of human civilization
Vice-Chancellor of Germany and Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck appeared at the Hannover Messe organized by the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association (ZVEI) and the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), and visited the booth of Beifu Automation. His conversation with Hans Beckhoff, the global president of Beifu, mainly focused on how automation technology ensures greater sustainability in all aspects of people’s lives and makes significant contributions to environmental protection.
When visiting the Hannover Messe, Robert Habeck, Vice-Chancellor of Germany, was attracted by Beifu booth and stopped to watch. Hans Beckhoff and his two children, General Manager Assistant Frederike Beckhoff and Johannes Beckhoff, who work in the R&D department, welcomed his arrival. After Frederike Beckhoff gave a brief introduction to the company, Hans Beckhoff highlighted Beifu’s various product lines, PC based control technology concepts, and automation solutions.
Automation software: a comprehensive technical solution suitable for all aspects of life
Automation technology has been widely applied in various industries around the world. It is a fundamental technology that can be used in every aspect of social life: from drug packaging to automatic filling of bottled pure water, to automotive manufacturing, “Hans Beckhoff explained and added, The performance of automation equipment determines production efficiency, which determines the consumption of resources. We hope to introduce more powerful automation technologies every year, so we have always regarded ‘engineers must shoulder the responsibility of saving the world!’ as our motto. Automation technology can make people’s daily lives more sustainable and accelerate the technological changes needed to achieve sustainable development. Robert Habeck We cannot live without the inventions and creations of engineers, but they must be guided by social needs in order to fully utilize their professional knowledge and achieve sustainable development

Save resources and reduce Ecological footprint
Hans Beckhoff then introduced various automation solutions that Beifu can provide to save resources and improve sustainability. Beifu’s automation technology is widely used in various applications such as battery production for electric vehicles, photovoltaic equipment, solar cells, and wind turbine control. One out of every three wind turbines in the world is equipped with our control technology. “He gave an example of Beifu’s application in the field of renewable energy power generation. In addition, the targeted implementation of automation solutions can save resources and significantly reduce the Ecological footprint of industrial production in all industries.
Artificial intelligence opens up a world full of new opportunities
When discussing the possibilities brought by Beifu’s future automation solutions, Robert Habeck and Hans Beckhoff both raised the topic of how to better apply artificial intelligence. Beifu has implemented artificial intelligence in the field of software engineering. We should actively explore the possible application scenarios of artificial intelligence technology; it can bring huge advantages. We should recognize this. Once again, the government needs to build a regulatory framework for artificial intelligence, “said Hans Beckhoff. The minister added, “The political question is: regulating artificial intelligence or focusing on its applications? What I want to say is the latter. The decision-making power of human life and death cannot be entrusted to artificial intelligence. We must ask ourselves what impact artificial intelligence will have on humanity
Entrepreneurial Perseverance Achieves Dreams
At the end of the visit, Robert Habeck clearly expressed his deep impression of the diversity of Beifu Automation technology: “When you founded the company over 40 years ago, you didn’t know what the company would develop into in the future. It wasn’t just about the size of the company and the growth of the employee team; the speed of technological progress in the company was also shocking. This is a very remarkable lifelong achievement,” exclaimed the Vice Premier. Beifu currently has 5680 employees worldwide, including over 2200 engineers. We have a deep expertise in automation and apply it to the development of new technologies and products. Beifu will continue to maintain sustainable business growth, develop groundbreaking innovative technologies and products, and follow its new automation technology concept to continuously launch new product series to the market. Therefore, Beifu will continue to invest 80 million euros in research and development this year.

ABB Extension GoFa ™ Collaborative Robot Series

ABB launches new GoFa ™ Collaborative robots set new industry standards with higher loads, larger working ranges, and excellent repetitive positioning accuracy.


With Cat 3/PLd security certification, you can collaborate with people side by side.


Easy programming and rapid deployment further reduce the entry barriers for first-time users, small and medium-sized enterprises, and educators.

ABB has launched two new GoFaTM collaborative robots: GoFa 10 and GoFa 12, adding new possibilities for more efficient automation of collaborative robots. The two collaborative robots, with loads of 10kg and 12kg respectively, have excellent repetitive positioning accuracy and can closely cooperate with workers to complete more tasks, improving safety and productivity while addressing labor and skill shortages. The new GoFa collaborative robot supports simple and intuitive programming methods and can quickly integrate into production environments, reducing the entry barriers for first-time users, educators, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Since the launch of YuMi collaborative robots in 2015, ABB has created an industry-leading series of collaborative robot products to meet the growing demand for safe and easy-to-use automation solutions, filling the gap in technical labor, “said Ma Sikang, Global President of ABB’s Robotics Business Unit To meet the demand for collaborative robots with higher loads and larger working ranges, our GoFa 10 and GoFa 12 collaborative robots extend the advantages of automation to new industrial applications, benefiting even first-time users

In addition to improving load capacity, the tool center point (TCP) speed of GoFa 10 and GoFa 12 collaborative robots can reach up to 2m/s, with a leading repetitive positioning accuracy of up to 0.02mm, twice that of other similar solutions. At the same time, the IP67 protection level of GoFa 10 and GoFa 12 can prevent moisture and dust, extending the advantages of high-speed and high-precision collaborative robots to new industrial applications, especially suitable for tasks such as machining, welding, material handling, polishing, and assembly that require strict automation requirements. The GoFa 10 has a working range of up to 1.62m, which is 14% higher than similar products and is sufficient to cover American pallets, making it an ideal choice for palletizing applications.

Lowering the automation threshold for first-time users and small and medium-sized enterprises


The programming, deployment, and use of GoFa 10 and GoFa 12 collaborative robots are very intuitive and easy, reducing the threshold for first-time users and small and medium-sized enterprises to enter automation. Its guided programming and ABB’s Wizard simple programming software greatly simplify setup, eliminating the need to write complex programming code. Even non professionals can quickly achieve application automation by operating simple graphical instruction blocks.

The teaching pendant on the new GoFa is pre installed with the ABB SafeMove application, which has functions such as safety speed limit, static monitoring, and directional monitoring, eliminating the need for bulky protective fences to achieve close collaboration between robots and factory workers.


The GoFa 10 and GoFa 12 collaborative robots are driven by OmniCoreTM controllers. Thanks to ABB TrueMove and QuickMove technologies, OmniCore brings industry-leading motion control, combined with GoFa’s intelligent torque and position sensors, to ensure smooth motion for high-precision surface treatment, tightening, assembly, and testing tasks. In addition, OmniCore also has energy-saving features including energy feedback and braking energy recovery, reducing power consumption by 20%, thereby improving sustainability.


Fully utilizing the innovation of ABB robot ecosystem


In response to the increasingly diverse application of automation, ABB has launched the ABB Robot Ecosystem Program. It integrates with the ABB product line, including the new GoFa collaborative robot, compatible third-party accessories such as grippers, cameras, and custom software, allowing users to easily leverage the growing ABB robot ecosystem to quickly innovate.

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