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ABB EL3040 EasyLine Continuous Gas Analyzers

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EL3040 EasyLine Continuous Gas Analyzers
Detectors with different measurement principles fo
numerous process and emission monitoring
Up to five measurement components per gas
Suitable for measuring flammable gases

Version with protection type II 3G for measuremen
of non-flammable gases

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Essential details : EL 3040 EasyLine Continuous Gas Analyzers

Detectors with different measurement principles for numerous process and emission monitoring
,, Up to five measurement components per gas analyzer
Suitable for measuring flammable gases
,Version with protection type II 3G for measurement of non-flammable gases
,Performance-tested versions for emission monitoring according to Directive 2001/80/EC
QAL3 monitoring according to EN 14181 (optional)
Automatic calibration including pump and valve control
,Simplified calibration with air or integral calibration cells eliminating the need for test gas cylinders
,Customizable analog outputs, digital inputs and digital outputs
Modbus and Profibus interface
,, Simple menu-driven operator interface
,Clear-text status messages
Configuration of rarely required functions with included configuration program
Self-monitoring function indicates when maintenance is required
,Housing versions for 19-inch rack mounting (Model EL3020) and wall mounting (Model EL3040)
,Integral gas feed (optional in Model EL3020)

The following analyzers are available for selection:
●Uras26 infrared photometer for the measurement of infraredactive gas components e.g. CO, NO,
●Magnos206 oxygen analyzer for the measurement of 02 in process gas or in N2
●ZO23 trace oxygen analyzer for the measurement of 02 in pure gases (N2, CO2, Ar)
●Caldos27 thermal conductivity analyzer for the measurement of binary gas mixtures with different
thermal conductivity e.g. Ar in 02, H2 in Ar, CH4 in N2
●Electrochemical oxygen sensor for the measurement of 02
The electrochemical oxygen sensor can only be used in combination with the Uras26 infrared
The Magnos206 oxygen analyzer and the Caldos27 thermal conductivity analyzer can also be used in
combination with the Uras26 infrared photometer.
The Z023 trace oxygen analyzer cannot be used in combination with one of the other analyzers. Only
one ZO23 trace oxygen analyzer can be installed in the gas analyzer.
Each analyzer has one physical measurement range per sample component. A section of the physical
measurement range can be mapped to the current output (analog output) by on-site configuration.
Calibration is always executed in the physical measurement range. The permissible measurement
range limits are given by the specification of the smallest and largest measurement ranges for the
individual analyzers.
A total of up to five measurement components can be measured with one gas analyzer.

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