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B&K VC-1000 CV-116 Vibration Monitor – Precision Sensor Technology for Critical Equipment Protection

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The Bruel & Kjaer VC-1000 CV-116 Vibration Monitor is a highly sensitive and accurate instrument designed for critical industrial machinery monitoring. It specializes in detecting and analyzing vibrations to predict and prevent equipment failures, ensuring continuous operation and maintenance efficiency.

SKU: 11543808
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Measurement Range:0 to 1000 Hz

Accuracy:+/- 0.01 dB

Sensitivity:10 mV/mm

Operating Temperature:-20°C to +60°C

Power Consumption:Max. 2.5 W

Sensor Compatibility:B&K type 116 acceleration sensors

    Engineered for precision and reliability, the B&K VC-1000 CV-116 Vibration Monitor offers unparalleled accuracy in detecting subtle changes in machinery vibration patterns. This critical tool empowers engineers and maintenance teams to predict and prevent potential failures before they escalate, ensuring uninterrupted production lines and maximizing asset life.

    Featuring advanced piezoelectric sensor technology, this monitor provides real-time data on vibration levels across a wide frequency range, enabling users to analyze and interpret complex signals with ease. Its high sensitivity and accuracy are particularly valuable in industries where machinery downtime can lead to significant losses.

    With its robust design, the B&K VC-1000 CV-116 can withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it suitable for use in diverse industrial environments. Whether in manufacturing plants, power generation facilities, or oil & gas operations, this monitor ensures reliable performance year-round.

    The device’s RS-485 communication interface seamlessly integrates with existing control systems, facilitating easy setup and integration. This feature not only simplifies installation but also enhances compatibility with other equipment, streamlining the overall workflow for maintenance and monitoring activities.

    Equipped with intuitive display and user-friendly controls, the B&K VC-1000 CV-116 Vibration Monitor is accessible to technicians and engineers alike. Its straightforward operation and comprehensive documentation ensure minimal training requirements, allowing for quick deployment and immediate value addition to any industrial setting.

Bruel & Kjaer VC-1000 CV-116 Vibration Monitor

Bruel & Kjaer VC-1000 CV-116 Vibration Monitor

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