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SCXI-1102B N I voltage input module is a thermocouple

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NI Instruments is a listed company in the measurement industry in the United States. Our company’s main products include NI data acquisition cards, SCXI series, PCI series, and cold shutdown models. We sell large-scale imported various DCS system module spare parts. Our main products include:

Product: DCS distributed control system, PLC programmable controller, CNC system, CPU processor supply models such as SCXI-1104C, SCXI-1193, PC1-8516

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The National Instruments SCXI-1102B (Part Number: 783129-01) is a 63z-Digit,士300 V, Onboard 1.8 MS/s Digital Multimeter. This high-performance PXI Digital Multimeter provides the measurement capabilities found in a high-resolution DMM and a digitizer, which are two common test instruments. As a DMM, the NI PXle-4080 delivers speedy, accurate AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, 2- or4-wire resistance, and frequency/period measurements, as well as diode tests. In the high-voltage, isolated digitizer mode,the PXle-4080 can acquire waveforms at sample rates to 1.8 MS per second maximum.The SCXI-1102B has an input impedance of 1 MI土2% in parallel with 150 pF, maximum DC voltage component of 250 V, and common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) >70 dB (DC to 60 Hz). This Digital Multimeter has a frequency range from 15 Hz to 500 KHz and period measurement range from 2 μs to 66.67 ms. It has an input protection of 300 VDC or ACrms. The NI SCXI-1102Bfeatures 63/2 digits at 100 S per second, 5/2 digits at 3 kS per second, 10 to 23-bit flexible resolution, voltage measurements up to 300 Vrms, current measurements up to 1 A, and resistance measurements up to 100 M2. The device has a current mode fuse rating T 1 A 400 V, time-laguser-replaceable Minimum interrupt rating: 500 A Littelfuse 0477001 .MXP. It has a power consumption of less than 9 W from PXIExpress backplane.The device operates using the NI-DMM driver software which is compatible with software packages/application development environments (ADEs) such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, ANSI C or Visual Basic. The device hardware can be configured using the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) tool.The PXle 4080 has an ambient temperature range of00 C to 55 0 C and a relative humidity range of 10% to 90% (noncondensing) in an operating environment. The storage ambient temperature range is -40 °C to 70 °C and the maximum altitude is 2,000 m (at 25 °C ambient temperature). The device weighs 12 0Z. and measures 8.5 x0.8x 5.1 in. in dimensions. The PXle 4080 has a recommended warm-up time of 60 minutes.


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